Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sweet Sixteen

This is what a sweet sixteen birthday party looks like when you grow up in the middle of nowhere in 1983 and your birthday is the day after Halloween. That's me on the right with my friend Cindy "white thighs" Wiandt. As a bonus, if anyone can tell me what Cindy is dressed as, you will win my admiration forever.

The Legendary Pete & Pat's Lounge

This was, by far, the coolest bar in the history of old-school bars. As a 19-year-old art student at AIP, you could open that door and sink into the dark coziness of a time-worn booth seat with a 35 cent Iron City draft and disappear completely. Or, you could fight with your friend Kim about who's turn it was to have to sit by Mr. Miller because the drunker he got, the more he liked to reach over and squeeze your thigh.

My Friend Tim

This was taken in front of the Frick Building at 437 Grant Street in the winter of 86-87. I was trying to get his big noggin to fit between the F and the K, but he cocked his head at the last second, and I think in the end it kind of made the picture.

Betty Kaye

Since 1950, Carrollton Ohio's Betty Kaye Bakery has made the best brownies and cherry baskets in all the land.


Possibly the coolest dog ever, Teddy was my friends Rance and Christina's dog. My ex husband and I would puppy sit for them and spoil the shit out of him.