Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Last Saturday

They Might Be Giants, The Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland Ohio

Mike is a stone pimp

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dr. Rivera

Dr. Rivera, an expert in knee sutures.

Happy Knee

Photo by Mike, Photoshop by me.


The finished work. Thanks again to Michael.

Getting stitched

Here's a shot of the excellent Dr. Rivera at work, mending my damaged knee. Thanks to Michael for taking the excellent shot.

mmmmmm, mmmmmmm.

Here's a nice shot of what I did to my knee last Saturday. Owch. (Photo by Michael)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mike, about to wield the maul

Bashful puppy after rolling in deer scat

River Rocks

Crack Pot

Frozen Moss on the Rocks

Icy Overhang

It looks prettier after you get past it.

I almost fell down the hill into the river here.

Mike and Willow

Taken February 24, in the South Chagrin Reservation, above the Chagrin River.

Come to Jesus

Before it's too late.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

New Year's Eve, 2006: I don't know where Kim is, Rodney. Quit asking me.

Rodney and I met when my friend Bobbi gave him to me for my birthday last November. He's totally in the closet.

My Favorite Uncle

Reluctant Subject

Will pursued the shot with much enthusiasm, but ultimately, Sach would not yield.

Sweet Old Man in Georgia - May 1990

This was one of the luckiest shots I ever took with my first 35mm. It was taken out of the window of "Pennsylvania Dave" Sisson's dodge doing about 40 mph in some small Georgia town during an insane road trip we took together in May of 1990. I think it turned out extremely well.


Someone thinks they're a faux finisherrr

This bar's bathroom was disturbingly jarring. Even the walls of the bathroom were painted in exactly the same way. How someone thought that this was a good idea is beyond me.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sweet Sixteen

This is what a sweet sixteen birthday party looks like when you grow up in the middle of nowhere in 1983 and your birthday is the day after Halloween. That's me on the right with my friend Cindy "white thighs" Wiandt. As a bonus, if anyone can tell me what Cindy is dressed as, you will win my admiration forever.

The Legendary Pete & Pat's Lounge

This was, by far, the coolest bar in the history of old-school bars. As a 19-year-old art student at AIP, you could open that door and sink into the dark coziness of a time-worn booth seat with a 35 cent Iron City draft and disappear completely. Or, you could fight with your friend Kim about who's turn it was to have to sit by Mr. Miller because the drunker he got, the more he liked to reach over and squeeze your thigh.

My Friend Tim

This was taken in front of the Frick Building at 437 Grant Street in the winter of 86-87. I was trying to get his big noggin to fit between the F and the K, but he cocked his head at the last second, and I think in the end it kind of made the picture.

Betty Kaye

Since 1950, Carrollton Ohio's Betty Kaye Bakery has made the best brownies and cherry baskets in all the land.


Possibly the coolest dog ever, Teddy was my friends Rance and Christina's dog. My ex husband and I would puppy sit for them and spoil the shit out of him.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Is it just me...

...or is this Whopper Jr. getting fellated on national television at 11:40 a.m. on a Sunday morning?

Flip Flops


If some longing goes unmet, don't be astonished. We call that Life.

it is at moments after i have dreamed

it is at moments after i have dreamed

it is at moments after i have dreamed
of the rare entertainment of your eyes,
when (being fool to fancy) i have deemed

with your peculiar mouth my heart made wise;
at moments when the glassy darkness holds

the genuine apparition of your smile
(it was through tears always)and silence moulds
such strangeness as was mine a little while;

moments when my once more illustrious arms
are filled with fascination, when my breast
wears the intolerant brightness of your charms:

one pierced moment whiter than the rest

-turning from the tremendous lie of sleep
i watch the roses of the day grow deep.
e. e. cummings


I understand the 'wheel' in wheelbarrow, but what about the 'barrow?'

Shyness is nice

Patches' Girlfriend

Secret Window

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Nice table angle


Why don't people watch their children? The road in the campground was a tad too dangerous to just let this knucklehead ride around so much unattended. People are dumb.

Sundown at Pymatooning

Poor saps

Why the hell are you going camping if you have no idea how to build a fire? I sort of felt bad watching a whole extended family (including several men) struggle with building their fire. Then it just became abundantly clear that they should be mocked with this photograph.

Fact, Not Fiction...
